Rocheston Certified Artificial Intelligence (RCAI)

The Rocheston Certified Artificial Intelligence Engineer (RCAI) training and certification program is a professional certification course that equips students with a profound understanding of the algorithms, applications, and tools used for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in today’s digital world.

The RCAI training program is designed by Rocheston, a pioneering company in cybersecurity training. It provides specialization in AI and its increasing role in several industries. It aims to prepare the students to solve complex AI problems and applications.

Post certification, the students can work as AI Engineers or any interdisciplinary roles related to AI in corporate and industries.

Also, the RCAI program series are accordant with CE standard, a high standard within Rocheston’s cybersecurity framework which ensures the candidates are learning the best and latest in the innovation field.

The course typically lasts about five days, with course modules delivered via classroom sessions, e-learning materials, printed study materials, and webinars. However, the delivery method could vary depending on the training provider.

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See the brochure below

RCAI Training Program Brochure